Glenarm Castle
With a plan to open the garden to the public, the owners of Glenarm Castle, situated dramatically on the coast of Co. Antrim, Northern Ireland wanted a scheme for the upper section of their five acre walled garden.
The idea was to unify the area by creating divisions of hedges; espaliered and formal lines of fruit trees; boxed edged planting beds of perennials; a grid of crab apples underplanted with wild flowers; and topiary used to articulate the grass ‘rooms’.
The earth sculpted spiral ‘Mount’ at the top of the garden proved a great success providing views out across the Mull of Kintyre and up the Glens, a favourite with children for scampering up and down. (Featured in House and Garden August 2013).
The image on the bottom right shows the bare expanse of grass and stark stone walls before the new garden was planted.